Amazing Features

Engaging with NxtWave Plus to take one step ahead in your professional career.

Best Training

To get into professional Job – right training at the right time from an expert defines your career path.

Job Placements

Proper Manpower is required for better functionality of a team. We have the best recruitment experience for you needs.

Carrier Guidance

Assisting individuals in making and implementing educational and occupational choices

Hot Vacancies

Stand out different by sharing your profile at our current job vacanies

05 Oct

11:00 AM - 12:30 AM

Associate Director

Responsible for the management of the Global IT Infrastructure Services group

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27 Sep

11:00 AM - 12:30 AM

PMO Lead

Responsible for monitoring, reporting, and overseeing projects or accounts at a company or organization

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Client Corner

Customer's perception is your reality